Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fruity Foray

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am an unapologetic chocolate lover. I usually see no point in wasting calories on desserts that are not chocolate, so I rarely bake fruit based desserts- but I made a couple of cakes lately that really make fruit a worthy part of dessert.

The first cake was a chocolate cake with raspberry filling and dark chocolate buttercream. I must say that this was one of the tastiest cakes I have ever made. Yes, it was primarily a chocolate dessert so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but the raspberry filling really made this one special and offset the dark chocolate perfectly. Yummmm!!!

The second dessert had no chocolate in it at all and it was still super delicious! It was a lemon bundt cake soaked in tart lemon simple syrup and drizzled with a sweet glaze. This one was seriously a refreshing treat. I plan on making them both again for myself and you should try them too, so consider them great options for your next parties and order one from Emily's Custom Bakeshop today!

1 comment:

  1. Loooove it! And I had a lemon cupcake that Emily made from the left overs, and her lemon flavor was absolutely perfect!
